Retention happens with a PLAN!
You’re invited to a free event to gain insight into the keys to unlock the path to teacher retention.

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Teacher Retention

It is no secret that teacher attrition is a major problem. In the 2021-2022 school year, teacher turnover reached an all-time high of 12%-14% and principal turnover was even higher at 21%-23%!

We know this is not serving our kids.
We know high turnover rates affect student learning.
We know we need to do better.

So the question becomes....WHAT IS THE RETENTION PLAN?

The truth is, the well-being of the school is dependent on the well-being of its educators. And if they are not well, they will continue to leave.

So let’s change the story.

Are you willing to let another year go by doing the same thing that's always been done? Or, are you ready to take an honest look at what needs to shift so you can create a plan to give you the results you want?

Teacher turnover isn't a new problem, but it's a SOLVABLE one!

What's your Teacher Retention Score? Take this brief assessment to find out and get strategies and solutions that will increase teacher retention at your school!

What's My Teacher Retention Score?

How is teacher attrition affecting your school culture?

Are you feeling frustrated with the number of staff leaving each year?

Do you have a comprehensive retention plan that works?

Ask yourself:

WHAT'S INCLUDED in the masterclass:

Cultivate awareness of the root of attrition and its effect on your school community

Reflection of the culture at your school

Illuminate retention opportunities

Create an actionable plan that will keep retention rates high and uphold the integrity of the learning environment in your school.

~Julie Schmidt Hasson

"Schools can't become the best places for students to learn and grow unless we make them the best places for TEACHERS to work and grow".

Start your teacher retention plan today!

Join the waitlist!


“Do it!! Jen gives you a meaningful way to look inward and understand why you do the things you do and react the way you do. It’s 100% worth the time and a breath of fresh air!”