Aren't you tired of just getting through each day, waiting for the weekend or retirement to come? Now's your time to...
Empower Your School: Exclusive Resources for Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents!
Welcome to a transformative journey in professional development with THRIVE 1 & 2 online courses. These courses blend tradition and innovation, empowering educators with tools and strategies for professional excellence and personal well-being. Say goodbye to outdated practices and burnout, and embrace a holistic approach that revitalizes your passion for teaching, enhances your effectiveness in the classroom, and promotes a harmonious work-life blend.
"I feel lost and question my purpose every day, wondering why I even continue down this exhausting path."
"The guilt weighs heavily on me, knowing that my time with my own children and family is sacrificed for my work."
"I pour my heart and soul into showing up for my studnets every single day, yet I long for the feeling of being truly appreciated."
"How can I support my students' mental health when I'm overwhelmed and struggling to take care of my own?"
"I'm just holding on, counting down the days until the weekend... summer break... or retirement, hoping for a moment to finally breathe."
"It feels like an endless struggle, a constant battle where I have to muster every ounce of strength just to get through each day."
Our transformative research-based program was designed to bring peace, happiness, and fulfillment into your daily life, both at work and at home.
Experience a profound sense of peace and calm as you navigate your days, setting a powerful example for students and colleagues alike. Rediscover the joy of anticipation, approaching each day with positivity and excitement.
Our program empowers you to seamlessly integrate SEL into your daily routine, providing practical strategies and tools for fostering emotional intelligence and resilience. Reconnect with your passion for education and rediscover your "why" with renewed clarity and purpose.
With sustainable practices and personalized support, our program ensures long-term growth and satisfaction, empowering you to thrive both personally and professionally. Join us on this journey to unlock your full potential and create a more fulfilling life.
"You are your #1 priority!"
"Since Empowered Educator, my classroom environment is safer because I know how to regulate myself which means I can be more aware of the emotional stuff my students bring with them. When a kid comes in all hot and bothered because something happened earlier in the day, I'm able to recognize it and choose my words and actions carefully. Since I'm regulated, I have a new awareness of my kids' level of anxiety. Now I give them the grace to not be their best-selves all the time and recognize that they're humans who are experiencing whatever they're experiencing. I can give them the acknowledgment of, 'I hear you, I see you', and guide them to notice their feelings - because I'm more comfortable with mine. That's created a really calm classroom where kids are themselves in every wonderfully weird way they can possibly be."
~Jennifer M., High School Teacher
"I can guide students to notice their feelings."
"I'm in such a better place since I started Empowered Educator both professionally and personally. The impact on my life and my relationships has been surprising to say the least. I don't think there is another program, professional development course or degree that has had anywhere near this type of broad scale impact on my life. You're learning classroom tools and things that are going to impact your teaching practice, but really they're impacting your practice because they're impacting who you are and how you show up for yourself and for others - your self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-image."
~Christine B., Special Education Teacher
"The impact on my life and relationships has been surprising!"
You're able to leave work at work, and enjoy every minute when you are with family or friends.
You easily use and model the SEL competencies your students need grow, live and use across all environments
You've found ways to relieve stress, focus on yourself, and stress is not impacting you at work or at home.
Boundaries are love, but uncomfortable for most people. Learn how to set the healthy boundaries that will allow you to take back your time and feel more in control.
SEL is a big school focus, but you aren't even sure what or how you're supposed to teach social/emotional skills to the students when you're not sure how to use them yourself.
You can't keep just trying to make it through each day, feeling pulled in a million directions, unsure how you'll have time to get everything done. You know something has to change, but you're not sure what.
Module 1: Mission - Course overview and agreements
Module 2: Vision - Increased motivation and focused teaching practices
Module 3: Metacognition - Enhanced teaching methods adapted to diverse student needs
Module 4: Reflection - Development of more inclusive learning environments and equitable opportunities
Module 5: Advocacy - Clearer communication that cultivates a supportive work environment
Module 6: Language - Sustained passion and professional growth that positively impact the lives of students
Module 7: Well-being - Improved classroom management and stronger student relationships
Module 8: Emotional Intelligence - Wrapping up: A culture of innovation, continuous improvement, and long-term positive impact on students and the educational system
Module 1: Welcome - Course overview and agreements
Module 2: Your Impact - Reinforced sense of purpose and boosted motivation
Module 3: Stress, Fear and Self-Regulation - Enhanced decision-making with better stress management
Module 4: Motivation and Habits - Improved personal growth and teaching effectiveness
Module 5: Time Management - Increased productivity and reduced stress
Module 6: Creating Healthy Boundaries - Reduced burnout with greater work/life blend that enhances overall job satisfaction
Module 7: Confidence in Conflict - Effective resolution skills for stronger relationships and a more positive classroom
Module 8: Integration and Accountability - Elevated teacher quality and consistent performance that positively impacts student outcomes
Your investment: $550
Click here to purchase with a P.O.
New York State Teachers click here for registration through MLP & Frontline!
New York State Teachers click here for registration through MLP & Frontline!
Click here to purchase with a P.O.
Click here to purchase with a P.O.
Your investment: $550
Your investment: $1,100
$100 savings $1,000
THRIVE 1 & 2
Choose your own adventure!
3-month access
Certificate of Completion
private audio feed
rediscover the deep passion and unwavering sense of purpose that led you to become an educator, reigniting the fire that fuels your dedication and love for teaching
set clear, confident goals that give you the freedom and spaciousness to step fully into your authentic calling as an educator
craft a plan to embody and exemplify SEL strategies in both your professional and personal lives, creating environments of empathy, understanding, and genuine connection
embrace sustainable strategies that nurture your personal growth and fulfillment, allowing you to teach from a place of peace and calm (as well as model for others) creating a ripple effect of harmony and well-being
We've got you! Any time you have a question, email Lisa at and she'll be happy to help you!
The office hour sessions are optional, but an important way to surround yourself with other like-minded educators. This is the time for INTEGRATION - to ask questions, discuss what you've learned, and support one another.
As soon as you complete the feedback form at the end of the course and mark all items in Podia completed, a certificate of completion will automatically be generated and personalized for you.
No worries! Access is important to us so all sessions will be recorded, and replays will be available for viewing if you're unable to make the live sessions.